
WP2 - Modular & Scalable battery system

The objective of WP2 is to design a modular battery system in terms of electrical connections, and thermal and mechanical designs. The design will be initially based on the assembly and disassembly process of the battery pack which is essential for (semi)-automated process. To improve the safety of the battery pack, lightweight materials of housing
and packaging will be analyzed considering the temperature range and different humidity levels across the entire life of the vehicle. In this regard, the design is verified with simulation and risk analysis methods to satisfy the safety as well as prevent thermal runaway propagation, to verify crash standards, and legal requirements. Thermal behaviour in different platforms, applications and operations will be analyzed, and finally, specifications and functionalities will be provided for cost estimation. This WP will deliver characteristics for WP3.

  • Electrical design, WP4
  • Thermal management, WP5
  • Mechanical design and WP6
  • Safety analysis and assessment.

The following reports are (or will be) available. When confidential information is included a public summary will be at your disposal.

  • D2.1: Simulation platform specifications and architecture design guidelines
  • D2.2: Report on Design-for-eXcellence